Huh ! One Black In Perak, aduuuyai ! kome berapa kerat ada nyah oiii ! ate kolo nak buat bio le betoi-betoi, kolo setakat seratus dua yang pakai black maria lebih baik jaga laki kat rumah, nampak hodoh je, ate teman ingat mau le satu ribu orang ke ataeh ok la juga
Teman agak kolo satu kawasan mike tetapkan 500 hingga seribu orang baru le ok dan baru le BLACK BEUTY kalo tak hmmmm hampeh !, kolo nak buat tu bio le bagi orang kecut dan mengeremang bulu rome tapi walau ape pun nyah oi tentukan bawa garam lade
Kome mesti istiharkan diri kome tu bukan lagi wanita atau ibu tapi kome adalah MUSLIMAT negeri Perak, haaa ! baru boleh jadi mujahidah asli, ok teman syorkan kepada mike orang semua dengan motto semangat
Bila ketua sebut takbiiiiiiir ! maka semua orang kena pekik gego nyah gego hu hu hu
Teman agak kolo satu kawasan mike tetapkan 500 hingga seribu orang baru le ok dan baru le BLACK BEUTY kalo tak hmmmm hampeh !, kolo nak buat tu bio le bagi orang kecut dan mengeremang bulu rome tapi walau ape pun nyah oi tentukan bawa garam lade
Kome mesti istiharkan diri kome tu bukan lagi wanita atau ibu tapi kome adalah MUSLIMAT negeri Perak, haaa ! baru boleh jadi mujahidah asli, ok teman syorkan kepada mike orang semua dengan motto semangat
Bila ketua sebut takbiiiiiiir ! maka semua orang kena pekik gego nyah gego hu hu hu
14 orang berkata:
salam sahabat
wah kayaknya seru ya.kalau sampai terjadi bentrok ini yang meresahkan he..he..good luck wass...wr.wb
Salam Pak,
Kalau dah penuh dewan Ing Hwa tu ramai lah pak...1k Pak..Itupun polis dah kecut..Bila polis kecut maknanya UBN le yang kecut...
Kami pakai Black beauty pun depa tahan bas..Tanya pula.."Kenapa semua pakai HITAM?
Takbir bergema satu dewan pak...jangan tak tahu..
Salam Rihar
Ya begitu yang mereka mahukan, selama ini mereka rasa mereka saja yang bener, do'akam muslimat kami ya !
SAYA ORG MELAKA... YG TINGGAL DI MELAKA....18HB TU SAYA DGN ISTERI PI TMN MELEWAR JAMUAN HARI RAYA PAS....DAPAT LE SALAM DGN PIMPINAN PAS YG BERATUR PANJANG DI PINTU MASUK DEWAN ALLAHYARHAM UST Fadhil....suka hati ni yg datang hampir tiap2 tahun di taman melewar tu...tengok org pas yg ramai2 tu ..sukanya hati ni sampai menitis air mata....makan sate 4 cucuk dan nasi himpit enam ketul...dah rasa kenyang..walau pun sebenarnya perut memang rasa lapau betul sebab tak makan kat mana pun dari pagi lagi...tiba berdiri sebelkah saya tu ia lah cikgu omar baba ia itu bekas pesuruhjaya pas melaka,dulu ramai org dalam pas tak suka dia jadi pesuruhjaya pas sbb munglin dia agak lembab dan lembik...tak mcm bekas p.j.pas yg dulu al ust jaliludin hj mualim lebai wahid...yg agak berani dan tegas...dulu ada muktamar agung kawasan kota melaka ada membawak usul ke muktamar agung pas pusat supaya mengantikan cikgu omar baba ni dgn org lain....dan beliau pun di ganti kan lah oleh ust ghani abd rahman sebagai pesuruhjaya pas melaka...saya kagum dgn cikgu omar baba dalam keadaan uzur dan beliasu bertongkat beliau beratur berdiri di sebelah saya untuk mengambil makanan...sedangkan apa lah sangat sate dan nasi himpit tu...tapi krn cinta beliau pada pas.../sayang beliau pada pas...beliau turut hadhir dalam himpunan org2 yg sayang pada pas...walau pun beliau telah di ketepikan dan tak di sukai oleh sesetengah ahli pas semasa beliau jadi pesuruhjaya dulu tapi beliau tetap sayang kat....syabas dan tahniah CIKGU...pimpinan akan bertukar ganti....kalau ada yg tersingkir terima lkah itu takdir....jgn khianat pada perjuangan menegakkan islam.....PAS TETAP PAS...DARI RAMBUT HITAM SAMPAI RAMBUT PUTIH...PAS TETAP PAS....
Salam anak muallap
Hooo yooo ! kolo cam tu Pak Karamupun mengeremang bulu roma hu,hu,hu selamat berjuang kalian semua pantang mundur ! selangkah mundur bererti kalian kalah Takbiiiiiir !
Wah ! syabas orang Melaka teruskan perjuangan, patah tumbuh hilang berganti Takbirrrr !
UMNO = Untuk Makan Nasi Orang
This is a new generation of lazy malays who evolved from their lazy ancestors. Not surprising la! Wait for the next generation of lazy malays on the future with better parasitic economic policies.
Many malays don't like to admit it, but once upon a time, they were not Muslims like everyone else!
Malays were part of the migration of Polynesian peoples whose original home was Yunnan in China to South East Asia in what is known as Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia……….
At that time the Orang Asli were already well settled in the malay Peninsula, so that makes them the most legitimate of the bumis.
Malays were animists then for hundreds of years until Indians crossed Bay of Bengal to South East Asia and spread Indian and Hindu culture to the peoples there.
Hence we had the great Hindu kingdoms which later also became Buddhist kingdoms of Langkasuka, Srivijaya, Majapahit - but main thing to note is that racially the peoples were malays and speak old malay language.
Islam only came to South East Asia from 1400 after foundation of Malacca by Parameswara. Again from India crossed Bay of Bengal and spread Islam to South East Asia. Malacca sultans were among the first converts and the rest is history.
Please note that the malays have been Muslims for only 600 years and have been Hindus/Buddhists very much longer - at least 2000 years. Malay culture is very much influenced by Hindu culture including Sanskrit words like the wayang kulit, raja, maharaja, etc.
Unlike Javanese, who are proud of their Hindu/Buddhist past reflected in great empires like Srivijaya and Majapahit, malays are generally ashamed to dwell on their pre Islamic Hindu/Buddhist past.
On the contrary some malays try to be like the Arab wannabes, trying to cleanse the malays of their Hindu/Buddhist past - in this even the songs and films of P Ramlee become victimized!
If Islam had not come to South East Asia, malays would still be Hindus/Buddhists like the Balinese which is not a bad idea, as Balinese are considered very peaceful people.
How to save 1Malaysia when it does not even exist in the first place? 1Malaysia can only happen when the racist BN is sent packing lock, stock and barrel.
Only a pure moron will think that PR government can win the BN government in terms of corruption and abusing power.
A brainless guy is not even a wakil rakyat but now he is suddenly become the (shameless) speaker.
Hello Ganesan, tell me face to face, how low can you go?
I am horrified and deeply saddened by Dr Pornthip revelation.
Najib and MACC officers are animals of the lowest form. How can they still pray 5 times a day?
They still can fast during Ramadan and talked about justice shall prevail when Teoh family went to Putrajaya.
How will these animals die? I hope these low lives animals be wiped out from the face of the earth in the midair, in the sea, in the road asap!!!
Hello, for your information, messing up the whole country is BN not PR. The mess in Perak, Selangor and Penang was created by BN. I will support Pakatan for they did not deceive and steal from the people. Didn't you see the Auditors General report, Penang is the most well managed state, which was unheard of under BN rule.
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