Najib, Soy Egg, Donald Duck, Karpal Sing : Seditious
editor1 | Aug 30, 2012 | Comments 0
Najib has condemned, humiliated and refuted Islam when he made a statement by saying , “ Hudud Cannot Be Implemented In Malaysia “ . Hudud , Kisos ( Battery ) and Taazir ( Judge Discretion ) are the Islamic Penal Code . Therefor, when he refuted Hudud ; the repercussion is he has violated Islam , i.e, violating the Islamic Penal Code . Simply means he has violated the Almighty , the Proprietor of Power and the “ Absolute Law Giver “ . Which leads to Apostacy ( Riddah or Murtad ) .
Unfortunately he could not be charged under Hudud Penal Code because in Malaysia there is NO HUDUD LAW eventhough trice “ Hudud Act “ being proposed by TGHA but were rejected by Umno ( speaker ) in the parliament.
Principally , it’s haram ( prohibited ) to vote Umno because Umno and its President Najib has rejected and refuted the Islamic Penal Code ( Hudud ).
But the President of Umno could not escape from being charged under the Sedition Act because the statement he has made pertaining to Hudud on 19 SEPT 2011 is considered as very seditious as it’s humiliates the muslims , the Almighty , Qur’an , Hadis . sultans and the Islamic Penal Code .
Like wise it’s “ Haram “ ( prohibited ) to vote MCA as its leaderships such as Soy Egg said, “ the Umno State Assembly of Johore is out of his mind ( insane ) if he wants Umno to be the first one to implemented Hudud Law . Meaning Umno all these while has been collaborating with MCA to refute Hudud. Likwise , Umno lawyer fought in court to dismiss the Kelantan Islamic Penal Code but lost the case . Similarly , Donald Duck wants to do the same thing if hudud were to be implemented in Malaysia !.
Islam is the official religion in this country and other religions are given their democratic rights to practice their own beliefs . So it’s important that non-Moslems should not ever refute Islam and respect Islam and the believers to practice Islam because it will be seditious if they make fun of Islam or make a mockery out of it as what Umno does ! . But the Sedition Act has been selective in terms of punishment under this act. !
This is Malaysia and this is the present system which let the birds of the same features escape freely . Remember Mahathir once condemned the Malay Sultans during the time of the Constitution Crisis but he escapes till now . Where is the Sedition Act ? .
Principally DAP has not rejected Hudud but just opposes Hudud has being against the Federal Condition as Karpal Sing said, “ Malaysia is Secular State not an Islamic State ( in actuality just a Moslem State because Hudud not being practice ) . The mistake that Karpal Sing did in person is when he condemned the Islamic Penal Code as injustice without realizing that If a criminal not charge under Hudud could move to Taazir ( Judge Discretion ) . Remember, Hudud had proven justice to the moslems when it was implemented for 800 yrs in Spain. And the highest crimes in the world by minit is New York not in Riyad ( Saudi Arabia ) where one could leave his merchantdize items without being stolen when one is going for prayers ! Could this happen in New York in this ‘ modern’ world !
But Umno and MCA is worst because have refuted and violated the Islamic Penal Code totally . Now between DAP and MCA , Gerakan ; the Moslems must vote for DAP because DAP opposes but MCA Gerakan rejects Hudud as Umno is . And between Umno and PAS , PKR and DAP ; the moslems must vote for PAS , PKR and DAP . That is ; ANTHING BUT UMNO ( MCA) .
Thus, there’s nothing wrong with PAS political collaboration ( “ Tahaluf Siasi “ ) with DAP and PKR because Pakatan agrees to withhold i) Islam as the Official Religion and other religion could be practice ii ) Bumiputra rights and non- Malays have their own rights as well as the citizen of this country iii ) The Malays Sultanate Sovereignty and iv) Bahasa Malaysia as the official language and other languages ( mother tongue ) could have their own schools .
Hudud is out of the scenario because it has nothing to do with the non- Moslems because the principle of Islam is ‘ La iqra hafiddeen ‘ ( there’s no compulsion is religion ) for the non –moslems. Which mean non-moslems are not affected at all with the Islamic Penal Code because they have the “ Civil Law “ in practice . So it’s not an issue at all ; It’s just a matter of Hudud Mockery all these while by Umno , Mahathir and Najib and all Umno’s previous premiers .
So in conclusion there’s nothing wrong for the moslems to change the ruling party by discarding Umno , MCA , Gerakan and MIC and vote for a new non-racist and universal political collaboration that comprised of PAS, DAP and PKR i.e Pakatan Rakyat as the government in the waiting peacefully through the ballot paper . In the coming GE13 and take over Putrajaya in a two party-system as in England and America .
Save Malaysia from the ‘ KNOWN DEVILS “ as quoted by Mahathir ! as we all know is full of CORRUPTIONS, CRONYISM AND ABUSES OF POWER ! for a very long time : 55yrs ! And sent PAS PAKATAN TO PUTRAJAYA ! by the grace of the almighty !
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